Resources for Compulsive Spenders

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Where can I get help for my compulsive spending?

Resources for Compulsive Spenders

Want some overspending advice? If you are reading this tip, then you have already achieved the first step toward getting help for your compulsive spending. That's because the first step is to be honest enough with yourself to admit that you have a problem and need help managing it. You should feel good about getting to this point. As far as getting your spending under control, there are two nonprofit organizations that offer free advice and low- or no-cost services to help you get things on track:

• Debtors Anonymous. Debtors Anonymous is a 12-step program that offers support groups throughout the country. This group does have a very strong, albeit nondenominational, spiritual aspect.

• Consumer Credit Counseling Services. This organization helps people get to the root of their financial problems, set and meet goals, and plan for a debt-free future. You can work with a CCCS counselor over the Web or in person.

You probably should consider some group or individual counseling as well. The psychology of overspending is tricky. People spend for all sorts of reasons, and only when you really grasp what is driving you will you truly be in control.



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